Dom Casmurro

by Machado de Assis

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XLVI - Peace

Peace was made like war, quickly. I sought in this book my glory, and I would say that the negotiations departed from me; but no, it was she who initiated them. A few moments later, as I was head down, she lowered her head, but turned her eyes up to see mine. I prayed; then I wanted to get up to leave, but I did not even get up, I do not know if I would. Capitú looked at me with such tender eyes, and the position made them so supplices, that I let myself stay, I put my arm around her waist, she took me at her fingertips, and ...

Another time D. Fortunata appeared at the door of the house; I do not know what, if he did not give me time to pull his arm; it disappeared soon. It could be a simple disclaimer of conscience, a ceremony, like the prayers of obligation, without devotion, which are said to be a crowd; unless it was to certify to his own eyes the reality that the heart told him ...

Whatever it was, my arm continued to tighten around the daughter's waist, and that's how we pacified. The beautiful thing is that each of us now wanted the guilts for ourselves, and we asked each other for forgiveness. Capitú was accompanied by insomnia, headache, the dejection of the spirit, and finally "his calundús." I, who was very crying by this time, felt his eyes wet ... It was pure love, it was the effect of the friend's ailments , was the tenderness of reconciliation.


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